A big shout out goes to all the friends I have ever had that treated me poorly. Maybe they were never friends but instead they were co-workers, teammates, peers, family, or somebody else. I want to give you a standing ovation. Matter of fact, a big thumbs up goes out to all you lovely folk.

“If you allow other people’s opinions to set your confidence, then you’ve already lost the game.” – Myself

I cannot tell you how many people I have met throughout the course of my life that rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe all they did was send a simple joke my way that was coated in evil/wrongful intentions coming from the heart of that person. I can tell you one thing, I’ have become pretty good at reading people over the past couple of years so I’m quick to pick up on that type of stuff. I’m also quick to pick up on people’s attitudes towards me. It’s pretty obvious when someone is jealous of you or is bitter. Sometimes people become jealous of you for simply chasing a goal. Why is that? They’re jealous of you because it mirrors their own inability to achieve something. Sometimes it mirrors their own lack of desire and seeing you go after something or trying something new puts the spotlight on their own insecurities. After all, jealousy does sprout from insecurity right?

So we can all relate to this I’m guessing. I bet you’re already fired up thinking about all those people. I write this because I want you to be fired up! Before you go and act out on this burning passion in the pits of your soul, I want you to take a quick step back and think about the two ways that people generally handle situations where their peers are clearly in doubt or have a negative stance towards something you want to achieve or try in life:

1). Some people will start lashing out everyone and everything in sight. Anyone who has ever said a bad thing about you is automatically going to get a whip. They’re going to hear from you right?

2). Others will use peoples smack talk as a way to channel their emotions into something better. It’s tough and even I struggle with this, but I promise you it’s the best way to go about it. Take all the negative perspectives of outsiders and channel that into inner motivation and start going to work. Keep pushing on towards the things you want to try and experience as well as the goals you want to accomplish.

That’s it. Now I won’t guarantee you that it’ll be easy because I’m no saint and I have struggled with this at times but it does work. So next time you see jealousy, envy, and bitterness directed towards you in whatever form it may take, channel it. Keep your confidence. Most importantly, never hold on to these feelings for too long and never allow it to consume you whole. Also remember that next time someone feels this way about you, it means that you’re doing an aspect of your life in the right way. So once again, a big shout out goes to doubters, haters, and jealous hearts. Remember, you people are the real MVP’s.

“I like to use the hard times in the past to motivate me today.” – Dwayne Johnson

*Photos via GoogleImages


7 thoughts on “Thanks For The Motivation

  1. Canuck Carl says:

    There is a lot of truth in this. The negativity towards us really can be a springboard for us to rise up. It can make us better people!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah for sure. we just can’t let it get us down! We need to use it in a positive way. Thanks!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Anytime jealousy has infringed upon a friendship, truly, I am floored. It’s a BAM situation I did not foresee and I am fairly good at sorting vibes. These friendships were with fabulous people. Stronger people! Beautiful people! Old friendships and many I still mourn.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah it really can be a difficult situation and definitely floors ya sometimes! But yeah I absolutely agree. Thanks for the thoughts!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. heenarebel says:

    Hi! Just what I needed today 🙂 some motivation like this, thanks. There have been so many incidents in my life where whenever I am trying to do something different, a negative comment or discouragement comes my way…yes the right way to continue to follow your heart is to not be bothered by such incidents but when it comes from people you least expected from, it really hurts you. But after reading this, I will thank them and bless them for rather motivating me to continue. Thanks again for inspiring me 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow that’s really awesome to hear! People will come at you with all shapes and sizes of discouragement but at the end of the day you have value and that matters. But you’re right, thank them and bless them and remember to follow your heart! Keep pushing on!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. teaismyjam says:

    Really good advice! Thank you very much for sharing. It is very helpful. It’s sometimes hard to keep this in mind but I shall take this up and try to follow through.
    I’d love if you could check my work out as well and give me some feedback.

    Liked by 1 person

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